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The order of words is arbitrary in LANGUST  that allows the author to type the text in the order that is accepted in his native language. Therefore basic words of the sentence are marked by special symbols.


** - two asterisks facing a word specify that the word is the Subject.

* - one asterisk defines Object, to which the action is directed.

' - the apostrophe is put before a Verb, and before an apostrophe there are some symbols, but invariable beginning with " "  for a designation of  Tense.

" - the double apostrophe following a word specifies plural.

? - this symbol stands in the beginning of the sentence and defines this sentence as interrogative. It can be used both separately from other words and in the structure of a word.

. - the point separates  words which are included in a complex word.

.. - two points define the end of the sentence.

, - the comma is meaningful of conjunction  "and". It is applied for separation of components of the sentence and for enumeration.

( ) - parentheses are universal symbols for allocation of various parts of the sentence, and are used for:

     Characteristics of the SOV (Subject, Object, Verb)   as adjectives, adverb and so on.

     Separations of inserts in the sentence, which may be the independent sentences or complex characteristics of a place, time and so on.

     Auto replacement of a word in to pictogram.

[ ] - the square brackets are used for Object and Subject.

{ } - the braces are used for a Verb.


      Each word (molecule) of LANGUST can accept any meanings: noun, adjective, adverb or verb  even in the case when the meaning of the pant of speech does not exist in the known phonetic languages.

      For the definition of  Tenses for verbs LANGUST uses the following symbols:

always stands ahead and means the time.

indicates to the certain extension of action.

< specifies Past action.

> specifies Future action.

; specifies Perfect action

\\ defines the action as directed to Object

Thus, we have got 12 combinations of  Tenses (without taking into account a reflexivity). ""  defines the verb as infinitive. "!"- the verb means the order.




Present (Indefinite) Tense


Past (Indefinite) Tense


Future (Indefinite) Tense


Present Continues Tense


Past Continues Tense


Future Continues Tense


Present Perfect Tense


Past Perfect Tense


Future Perfect Tense


Present Perfect Continues Tense


Past Perfect Continues Tense


Future Perfect Continues Tense




Numbers coincide its representation on the keyboard and sound as follow:

0 - (Oe), ( 0 looks like O)

1 - (Le), ( 1 looks like L)

2 - (Ze), ( 2 looks like Z)

3 - (Be), ( 3 looks like B)

4 - (He), ( 4 looks like H)

5 - (Se), ( 5 looks like S)

6 - (Ge), ( 6 looks like G)

7 - (Fe), ( 7 looks like F)

8 - (Xe), ( 8 looks like X)

9 - (Qe), ( 9 looks like Q)


>> Examples



Copyright (C) 2001, Grigoriy Korolev
E-mail:  vertach@vlz.ru
Last updated:  26.05.01
Используются технологии uCoz