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A?   (Recognize - Question) = something, somebody

A?D   (something - Thing) = anything

A?X    (somebody - Life) = anybody

A?_  (something - Place) = anywhere

A?T   (something - Time) = once

T~   (Time - Wave) = frequency

//T~  (Many - frequency) = often

/T~   (Little - frequency) = sometimes

!/T~   (Very - sometimes) = seldom

BT~ (Be - frequency) = always           

T!   (Time - Strong) = suddenly

T;   (Time - Limited) = deadline

T_  (Time - Place) = era

TH   (Time - Human) = history

T<   (Time - Back) = past

T>   (Time - Forward) = future

TR   (Time - Real) = present  

/TT   (Little - Period) = short period

//TT   (Much - Period) = long period

TTN   (Period - Nature) = season

TTN;   (season - End) = winter

TTNV    (season - down) = fall

TTN^    (season - Up) = spring

TTNY   (season - Plant) = summer

TNN     (Time - Light) = day

RTNN   (Real - day) = today

T\NN    (Time - No - Light) = night  

RT\NN     (Real - night) = tonight

TD     (Time - Thing) = second hand

//TD    (Much - Time - Thing) = old thing

/TD    (Little - Time - Thing) = new

FT    (Work - Time) = week

>FT    (Forward - week) = next week

<FT    (Back - week) = last week

OT    (Round - Time) = year

ROT    (Real - year) = this year

>OT    (Forward - year) = next year

NU    (Nature - Space) = sky

NW    (Nature - Water) = rain  

N\W    (Nature - No - Water) = drought

NWDD    (rain - Hard) = snow

NWDD!   (snow - Strong) = hail

AN    (Know - Nature) = science

AN&    (science - Feeling) = psychology

$&&    (Artificial - Mind) = computer

&&TT    (Mind - Keeping) = memory

IIY    (Way - Plant) = stem

%Y    (Part - Plant) = branch

HH_    (Society - Place) = settlement

/HH_    (Little - settlement) = village

//HH_    (Large - settlement) = town

!//HH_    (Very - Large - settlement) = city

EEJ    (Food - Accepted) = mouth

EEJ^^    (mouth - Cover) = lip

&OO    (Feeling -  Sight) = look

&OOTT    (look - Continue) = watching

+&    (Good - Feeling) = pleasure

//+&    (Big - pleasure) =  joy

//+&TT    (joy - Continue) = happy

-&    (Bad - Feeling) = sadness

-&TT    (sadness - Continue) = grief

VP    (Down - Power) = weight

/VP    (Little - weight) = light

//VP   (Big - weight) = heavy

_II    (Place - Way) = road

_IIU    (road - Between) = bridge

_^^    (Place - Cover) = building

:NN    (Source - Light) = source of light

$:NN    (Artificial - source of light) = lamp

NN~    (Light - Wave) = color

NN~^    ( color - Up) = blue

NN~Y    (color - Plant) = green

==X    (Balance - Life) = health

-==X    (Bad - health) = illness

SX    (Moving - Life) = animal

SXU    (animal - Space) = bird

SXH    (animal - Human) = ape

^X    (Up - Life) = parents

VX    (Down - Life) = children

=X    (Equal - Life) = own, native

=XX    (Equal - Woman) = (own - Life) = sister

VXY    (Down - man) = son

^XX    (Up - Woman) = mother

=^XY    (Equal - Up - Man) = uncle

VXTT    (Down - Life - Continue) = descendant

/XX      (Little - Woman) = girl

TX    (Time - Life) = term (of life)

/TX    (Little - term) = young

//TXY    (Large - Age - Man) = old man

\X    (No - Life) = death

KK~~    (System - Speak) = language

AM#    (Recognize - Form - Plane) = image

AM#S    (image - Movement) = cinema

A_#    (Recognize - Place - Plane) = map

AH    (Recognize - Human) = face

^O    (Up - Round) = north

<O    (Back - Round) = West

><    (Forward - Back) = measure


>>  Names 


Copyright (C) 2001, Grigoriy Korolev
E-mail:  vertach@vlz.ru
Last updated:  08.05.01
Используются технологии uCoz